• Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 4:30 pm

New & Used End Dump Trailers For Sale

End dump trailers are one of the most common ways to haul aggregates and many other materials. A trailer mounted dump body is lifted using a hydraulic hoist to allow material to exit out the rear of the trailer. The dump body material and dimensions can be customized to suit a huge variety of applications from demolition to road building. End dumps are a “semi” trailer and must be pulled using a suitable tractor.

End Dump Trailer Inventory

Browse our inventory of in stock or on order end dump trailers

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Parts for Dump Trailers


Our parts department carries a wide variety of parts for dump trailers like tarps, hoists, cylinders, valves, liners, and more.

Box liners

Box liners

Our one-piece Quick-Slide box and hopper liners provide an even flow and work for dirt, clay, sand, gravel, stone, snow, salt, and more.

Lift Axles

Lift Axles

Save on your operating costs! We can significantly help lower your operating costs with a TUFF LIFT axle system assembly.

Chemical Sprayers

Chemical Sprayers

Help your load exit smoothly out of your dump body during the cold weather with a chemical sprayer!

Dump Body Vibrators


Our dump body vibrators delivers fast, complete and clean discharge of sticky, compacted or frozen materials from belly dump trailers.